Category: Restaurants

Rainbow King – Restaurant Review

With restaurants around town opening back up, we wanted to take this time to share one of our staff favorites here at Harford Lifestyle! We are a big sushi squad and always looking for a great lunch time deal. We have found the perfect home at our local Japanese spot, Rainbow King, located in the Bel Air Town Center.

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Restaurant Week: January 17th-26th, 2020

Back by popular demand of restaurant owners of Harford County, Restaurant Week is here from January 17th-26th. Yes, that’s two full weekends of opportunity to check out a new place to call your regular or double up on your favorite dish. With great lunch and daily options available, you can even fit it into a busy work week. Of course, if this is something you’ve known about since its inception, there’s perfect places to make a momentous occasion, too.

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How to Help Your Community During the Holidays

During this time of year, we get to celebrate a lot of special moments. Not just the
holidays themselves, but spending time with loved ones, reconnecting with old friends while
back in our hometowns, finding out what great news everyone has to share, watching each
other tear apart wrapping paper awaiting the exclamation after getting a gift they’ve hoped for,
and overall focusing on what we do have, instead of the have nots.

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Celebrating the Holidays in Harford County

Now that Thanksgiving is a memory, the holiday season is in full swing. Whether it’s going into town and battling the traffic to get in and out of the shopping centers, or you’re clicking your mouse as fast as you can to get your Prime orders delivered, it’s best to make time for you and yours to enjoy something besides the gifts that will be handed out.

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