Tag: 2020

Lessons Learned in 2020

This year has had its ups and downs just like any other year has, but this one certainly will be one for the books. Looking back on 2020, there was plenty of good things that we can choose to reflect on rather than all of the chaos that occurred.  

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Healthy Twist on a Classic Thanksgiving Dish

Before we put the gas pedal on Christmas cheer, we wanted to make sure we highlight our favorite holiday, Thanksgiving. I know 2020 has not been ideal and this holiday season might be different for some, so we wanted to give you some new recipes to try. Many families will not be travelling this year which is upsetting, we know, but to look at it in a positive light, this might be the year to try that new healthy dish for you and your family to enjoy!   

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Did you know – Halloween Edition

Halloween is almost here! Vibrant crunchy leaves cover the sidewalks. Grinning jack-o’-lanterns perch on porches. Gravestones and cobwebs creep up through yards and bushes, as ghosts and ghouls swing from trees. This weekend all sorts of monsters, princesses, and heroes will crowd the streets with their pillow cases, knocking on as many doors as they can for sugary treats. Sink your teeth into these ten fun facts before the candy collecting chaos ensues! 

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