ZinniaVirgo Soaps – Feature Friday

Written By Morgan Knox

If we have learned one thing throughout that past year, it’s that we are surrounded by talent in this community. In a sense, the past year has allowed individuals to take their hobby and make them a full-time passion.  This week, we have the pleasure of featuring Zinnia Virgo Soaps.

Tebonye Crawford starting homemade soaping in July of 2017. “I pride myself on the ingredients and love that goes into every soap bar,” Tebonye exclaimed. She began soaping when her daughter developed eczema that just never seemed to heal up. After doing some research and purchasing some natural ingredients, she had created a soap that was exactly what her daughter’s skin needed. The eczema began to clear up! Word began to spread among friends, co-workers and family and before she knew it, Zinnia Virgo Soaps had been born.

Tebonye created a plethora of different full body soaps, all containing about 30 different healthy additives such as vitamins, milk powders, proteins, minerals, aloe vera, oatmeal, charcoal, clays, and many, many others. Zinnia Virgo will be launching herb infused bath salts this year as well as foaming sugar scrubs, bath bombs and hydrating lip balms.

Tebonye is very involved in the community and continues to help people in need when she can. She has donated her soaps to homeless shelters, churches, domestic violence shelters and to folks in need of some healthy self-care. “It’s a mighty blessing and I am so grateful and humble to be able to do what I do,” stated Tebonye. She continues to create new designs and scents. You can find Zinnia Virgo Soaps on Etsy and during the Havre De Grace Farmer’s Market season from May to December! Check her out people, you will not be disappointed!


Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/shop/ZinniaVirgoSoaps

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Zinnia-Virgo-Soaps-274862900080188

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zinniavirgosoaps/

Photo Credit: ZinniaVirgo Soaps

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